Where the vision is one year, cultivate flowers.
Where the vision is ten years, cultivate trees.
Where the vision is eternity, cultivate society.
.....................Oriental Saying...........................

Rapid Response Programme to save the lives of children from Humla:

A 15 year old boy who is living with his mother (after his father's death) was fainted due to some problem in the urinary system was supported with Rs. 3000.00 (Rupees Three Thousands only) as emergency support for the treatment from THIS under TDH funded Mala III project after the district hospital referred him to have specialized service in Nepalgunj or Surkhet. Our active social workers acted immediately and raised more funds from various other organizations to support this child to get down to Nepalgunj and have treatment.
This isn't the only case that our social workers handled. Our social workers support several such cases in a year. We have been supporting several cases through THIS under ISIS Foundation supported project as well. We provided air tickets, medical treatment cost and food support for both the patient and his care giver.
Thanks to Chhatup, Nabaraj, Niralan, Gurmu and Tsering. You guys are doing great job!!!

DB Lama
Executive Director
10th June 2012